
Promoting Your Online Learning Investment

...and ensuring its success!

One of the most overlooked elements of launching a Web-based training system is the internal marketing and promotion of the initiative to management and employees. While organizations willingly investing hundreds of thousands of dollars to develop and introduce Web-based training (WBT) to their employees, they frequently neglect this key element of success.

Unless you can somehow make online learning mandatory for employees, your ability to use basic marketing techniques to attract and retain users will be critical to WBT's continued success in your organization. For instance, you must introduce the new Web-based training system to the organization (the "launch"), promote it and register initial users ("internal marketing"), and develop ways to maintain and increase usage over time ("maintenance marketing").

Simple marketing and promotion techniques can contribute substantially to the overall success of your Web-based training initiative, especially in terms of increasing and maintaining employee participation over time. Consider how the following techniques could be used in your organization to increase the use of Web-based training.

Most of these suggestions are simple and inexpensive to implement. But they can be critical to the continued participation, acceptance and overall success of your Web-based training initiative.

Will Hipwell is the Director of Marketing for GeoLearning, a leading developer of Web-based training systems and courseware headquartered in West Des Moines, Iowa.

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