Become an Abacus partner and differentiate your organisation from your competitors.
On line English Courses.
Webschool General English
Webschool is suitable for learners of General English from beginner to advanced levels of proficiency with a particular focus on grammar and vocabulary development.Webschool comes with it's own management system and various synchronous and asynchronous tools are available.
Let's Do Business on line.
7 courses covering English for Business Knowledge areas, grammar, pronounciation, vocabulary and 4 Skills courses, Meetings, Presentations, Negotiations and Telephoning. Let's do business comes with it's own management system and various synchronous and asynchronous tools are available.
1. Complementary teaching materials for face to face blended learning programs
2. Self acces material with the possibility of online teacher contact and support
Available for small groups for ten people
Let's do business a 100 % success rate in installing Intranets and SAP services since 1995
Less training costs, faster learning times and measurable results
Consult all student and course information securely depending on your login level,
this means that a training manager or instructor can follow his own learners in real time
Revise, learn and exercise where you want, when you want and at the speed you want
Have a flexible system that will grow as you grow
Cut down on training time and travel for both teachers and learners.
Facilate revision and JIT - Just in time training without extra costs
French support documents - Documents en Français Informations sur l'entreprise
Présentation d'Abacus (en Français)
(Powerpoint 147kb)
Informations techniques et commerciales
Solution Let's Do Business (pdf 154kb)
87 - 89 rue Rosiers
Mont Valérien
92500 Rueil Malmaison, France
TEL: +33 (0)1 | FAX: +33 (0)1 | Email
Learning and teaching English | Training in English web site | Formavision French web site | On line courses | New teaching ressources | ELT Previews | ELT Downloads |
Special offer for teachers | Quarterly newsletter for teachers | How to order |